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Sixth-Form Leadership

Our pupils are encouraged to assume leadership roles and we provide many opportunities for developing leadership skills throughout their school career. Sixth-form pupils are strong role models for the younger pupils and act as mentors in both pastoral issues and in providing peer support with academic work. Recently our prefects and mentors have undergone training in mentoring and peer mediation. In addition, they have been involved in the Barnardo’s Leadership programme and a group of pupils have been trained as TAMHI Mental Health Ambassadors.



Year 13 students are invited, each year, to apply to become Pupil Mentors.  They receive training from several outside agencies, including TAMHI, Childline and YMCA.


Mentors are assigned to each junior class (Years 8 -10) with the main aim of getting to know the pupils and assisting with any difficulties. They are alert to the needs of younger pupils, and the signs of problems which may arise.


There is a designated area in the school where Mentors can be contacted by pupils who feel they need help or advice.  Any further support can be arranged after an initial meeting. Mentors will always seek guidance from staff, and they report regularly to the Head of Sixth Form, relevant Year Heads and the Pastoral Vice Principal.



Towards the end of Year 13, pupils are invited to apply for positions of responsibility within the Head Prefect Team. The structure of the team is currently as follows:

Prefects promote a sense of responsibility and commitment among the entire pupil population. They establish positive working relationships, and provide effective channels of communication between pupils and staff. Prefects are assigned a variety of tasks which contribute to the smooth running of the school, promote pupil well-being, and encourage participation in school life. Examples of their responsibilities are as follows:


  • Promoting the school values of truth, freedom, trust and responsibility

  • Modelling and promoting respect for self and others

  • Encouraging good relations among pupils

  • Representing the school at public and school events

  • Attending and assisting at Open Days, Parent meetings and other functions as required

  • Organising school events, particularly for Year 14 as appropriate

  • Helping with Break and Lunchtime supervision

  • Encouraging respect for school property and the property of others

  • Monitoring behaviour on buses

  • Leading student council

  • Organise school charity campaign

  • Reporting any issues of concern to the Class Tutor/Year Head/ Pastoral Vice-Principal

  • Meeting on a regular basis with the Head of Sixth Form and Pastoral Vice Principal

Student Council

The Prefects lead the Student Council; organising and chairing monthly meetings and reporting student views to Senior Staff. Representatives from all Tutor Classes throughout the school attend these meetings where a range of issues affecting pupils are discussed.


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38 Fortwilliam Park,


County Antrim

BT15 4AQ

028 90 370298


028 90 773661


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