As a Catholic school, the Christian Ethos of Dominican College permeates the life and work of the school and is reflected in its aims:
We appreciate the fundamental dignity of each person and aim to promote respect for self, for others, the school, the wider community and the environment.
We aim to create a safe, stable and harmonious atmosphere within which the values of truth, freedom, trust and responsibility are honoured.
Within the context of a purposeful learning community, and recognising the uniqueness of each individual, we aim to offer a curriculum which enables every student to reach her full potential: spiritually, academically, morally, socially and aesthetically.
We aim to promote the School’s traditional appreciation of culture and the arts.
We endeavour to equip all our pupils with the self-confidence and skills, which will enable them to make informed and responsible choices in life and appreciate the value of the contribution they can made to society.
We encourage parental support in promoting the ethos and aims of the school and in building up the life of the school community.
The Board of Governors believes that these general aims provide a framework which indicates what the school believes in, what it aims to do for our pupils and the values we hope they will espouse. The whole curriculum, taught in the classroom and beyond, is designed to achieve these ends.